CI for children - Information for parents about Cochlear Implants

More and more deaf children are receiving cochlear implants (CIs). Parents of deaf children are considering CIs. There are already many parents of children with CIs. We – four of us deaf and three hearing – have written this book about CIs. The deaf parents of children with CIs. They have a lot of experience. The hearing often work with the hard of hearing, the deaf, the deafened an CI users. They are familiar with parents’ questions about CIs. We want parents to know everything they need to know about CIs.

Our book is written in simple language and has many pictures. It has been revised for those parents living in Germany, whose English is better than German. The topics are:
- CIs and Two Languages
- The Right Age for a CI
- Life with CIs
- Capabilities and Limitations of CIs
- …

We will answer as many questions as possible. The deaf and the hearing put their heads together and now the book is here! We hope that the information is helpful.

Available from:
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Gehörlosen- und Schwerhörigenpädagogik, Leopoldstr. 13, 80802 München, Tel. 089/28105117

Reference: Foreword of the booklet

Preis: 2,00 Euro

Author group under the direction of Annette Leonhardt and Arno Vogel